- cross sale
- перекрестная сделка с ценными бумагами
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Blue Cross Sale — A Blue Cross Sale is primarily a United Kingdom retailing device for signifying a day of further reductions in sale prices already on offer. It is usually marked by signs throughout the store showing a large blue cross, the words Blue Cross Sale … Wikipedia
Cross Border Leasing — (CBL) ist das Leasing über Nationengrenzen hinweg. Leasinggeber und Leasingnehmer haben ihren Sitz also in steuerrechtlich unterschiedlichen Staaten. Aus der Internationalität der Verträge ergaben sich für Unternehmen umstrittene steuerrechtliche … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cross-border leasing — is a leasing arrangement where lessor and lessee are situated in different countries. This presents significant additional issues related to tax avoidance and tax shelters. Cross border leasing has been widely used in some European countries, to… … Wikipedia
Cross-Border-Leasing — (CBL) ist ein Leasing, bei dem der Leasinggeber und der Leasingnehmer ihren Sitz in verschiedenen Staaten haben. In der Regel wird CBL genutzt, um eine unterschiedliche Gesetzgebung in zwei Ländern zu nutzen und dadurch Steuern zu sparen bzw. zu… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cross-docking — is a practice in logistics of unloading materials from an incoming semi trailer truck or railroad car and loading these materials directly into outbound trucks, trailers, or rail cars, with little or no storage in between. This may be done to… … Wikipedia
Cross Days — クロスデイズ (Kurosu Deizu) Genre Drama, Erotica, Harem … Wikipedia
Cross River National Park — IUCN Category II (National Park) Kwa Falls, Cross River National Park … Wikipedia
Cross-selling — is the action or practice of selling among or between established clients, markets, traders, etc. or the action or practice of selling an additional product or service to an existing customer. This article deals exclusively with the latter… … Wikipedia
Cross Creek High School — Address 3855 Old Waynesboro Rd. Augusta, Georgia Coordinates … Wikipedia
cross-selling — ˈcross ˌselling noun [uncountable] MARKETING when one company helps another company to sell its products by selling or advertising them with its own products: • Financial institutions are becoming increasingly interested in cross selling credit… … Financial and business terms
cross-sell — UK US verb [I or T] ► COMMERCE, MARKETING to sell another further product or service to a customer who is already buying a different product or service: »They can cross sell to the bank s existing customers and introduce life insurance and… … Financial and business terms